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Huge energy prices rises on the horizon says regulator

New fears have been expressed by the energy regulator, Ofgem, that UK energy bills could rise 60% by 2020. The news comes as part of a review of the UK energy market which also says that £200,000,000 of investment is needed so that we can secure energy supplies and meet our target on greenhouse gasses.

Although the report says the 60% rise will be a “spike” it still expects prices rises to be between 14% and 25% above inflation. As the UK enters a period of austerity following the General Election likely to be on 6th May 2010, its going to be difficult for households and businesses to come to terms with these increases.

Even more important that ever then to make sure that your existing central heating/hot water system is running as efficiently as possible. Forget about costly options such as replacing the central heating system and think about installing HeatingSave. A House & Home system will typically save 20% to 28% a year, whilst installing a Small Business HeatingSave system will usually save 30%+, especially if you still have a 24-hour heating time clock or the premises are not always occupied.

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